Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The sweet sound of conservatism!

"I think this is one of the things that people are finding attractive about Fred Thompson — he sounds conservative, like a movement kinda guy."

The sweet sound of conservatism! You know it when you hear it. It does not come from an explanation or a justification. It never includes "but on the really important things I'm conservative" or "but I'm more conservative than..."

In particular it never includes "would you rather have Hillary?"

If you don't remember what it sounds like, which is understandable with today's Republican leadership, take a fresh listen to Rush Limbaugh. Get nostalgic and listen to Reagan. Listen to the way you and your conservative friends talk between yourselves.

The sweet sound of conservatism! You will know it when you hear it and it is not from the front running Republicans.

Thank you Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Corner on National Review Online for the post.


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