Saturday, February 19, 2005

Something strange happened this morning.

My "grab a cup of coffee and see what is happening in the world" took a strange turn this morning. I did not realize it until after it happened but for the first time in at least a year, possibly two, I DID NOT FIRST CLICK HUGH HEWITT and SECOND CLICK THE CORNER!

Did worlds collide or what has happened to me? I am retracing my steps, not because the steps are important, but I am curious if there are others out there like me?

Today, for a change and as best I can recall, I first checked Clay Calhoun then As the Top of the World Turns which caused a brief post break. I visited Blue Goldfish, brief draft to mull on, then Thermblog or perhaps the other way around. Mark D. Roberts, Release the Hounds, Tapscotts Copy Desk and as best I can recall, then and only then, did I go home to Hugh Hewitt and then The Corner.

That is when it hit me. I realized I was checking Hugh and The Corner to validate my brief trip, that I had seen what was important, rather than to point me towards topics of interest. Significant? Perhaps only to one whose coffee and first thoughts habits have just changed.

If anyone has experienced something similar I welcome your comments. Time now to visit Drudge and then start cruising. There has been enough change for one day I guess.


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